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The Stars

List of Exoplanets

This list contains exoplanets. Click on the picture to view its exosky....


Gliese 667 C

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Gliese 667 C is a red dwarf star about 23.62 light-years away in the constellation Scorpius. It’s part of a triple star system and has at least two confirmed exoplanets. The most notable is Gliese 667 Cc, a super-Earth in the habitable zone where conditions might support liquid water.


Proxima b

Proxima Centauri b, or Proxima b, is an exoplanet orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, just 4.2 light-years away. It’s slightly larger than Earth and orbits its star every 11.2 days, placing it in the habitable zone where liquid water might exist.

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TRAPPIST-1e is a rocky exoplanet about 40.7 light-years away in the constellation Aquarius. It orbits the ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 and is similar to Earth in mass, radius, and density. TRAPPIST-1e completes an orbit in 6.1 days and lies within the habitable zone, where liquid water might exist.


HD 189733b

HD 189733b is a gas giant exoplanet about 64.5 light-years away in the constellation Vulpecula. It orbits its star very closely, completing an orbit in just 2.2 days. Known as a “hot Jupiter,” it has temperatures around 1,200°C (2,192°F) and a deep blue color due to its hazy atmosphere filled with silicate particles.

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Ross 128b

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Ross 128 b is an Earth-sized exoplanet about 11 light-years away in the constellation Virgo. It orbits the red dwarf star Ross 128 in the habitable zone, with a mass of about 1.4 times that of Earth and an orbital period of 9.9 days. Its surface temperature might allow for liquid water, making it a candidate for habitability.


55 cancri e

55 Cancri e, also known as Janssen, is a super-Earth exoplanet about 41 light-years away in the constellation Cancer. It orbits its star very closely, completing an orbit in less than 18 hours. This results in extremely high surface temperatures, over 2,700°C (4,900°F). The planet is about twice the size of Earth and has a mass eight times that of Earth.

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TOI 700d

TOI 700d is an Earth-sized exoplanet located 101.4 light-years away in the constellation Dorado. Discovered in 2020, it orbits its star in 37.4 days within the habitable zone. The planet is about 1.07 times the size of Earth and has an estimated mass of 1.25 times Earth’s. Its equilibrium temperature is around -4.3°C, making it a prime candidate for studying potential habitability.

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CoRoT - 7b

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CoRoT-7b is a rocky exoplanet about 489 light-years away in the constellation Monoceros. It orbits its star very closely, completing an orbit in just 20 hours. The planet is about 1.58 times the size of Earth and has a mass 4.8 times that of Earth. Due to its proximity to its star, CoRoT-7b experiences extremely high temperatures, ranging from 1,030°C to 1,530°C (1,880°F to 2,780°F).


LHS 3844b

LHS 3844b, also known as Kua’kua, is a super-Earth located 48.5 light-years away in the constellation Indus. Discovered in 2018, it orbits its red dwarf star in just 11 hours. The planet is about 1.3 times the size of Earth and has a surface similar to the Moon or Mercury, likely without an atmosphere. The dayside temperature can reach up to 770°C. Its unique characteristics make it an intriguing subject for studying planetary formation and atmospheric loss.

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LHS 1140b

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LHS 1140b is a super-Earth located 49 light-years away in the constellation Cetus. Discovered in 2017, it orbits a red dwarf star within the habitable zone, completing an orbit in 24.7 days. The planet is about 1.73 times the size of Earth and has a mass 5.6 times greater. Its equilibrium temperature is around -47°C, making it a prime candidate for studying potential habitability and atmospheric conditions.



KELT-9b is an ultra-hot Jupiter located 670 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. Discovered in 2016, it orbits its star in just 1.5 days. The planet is nearly twice the size of Jupiter and has a mass 2.88 times greater. It is the hottest known exoplanet, with dayside temperatures reaching up to 4,327°C. The intense heat causes molecules to break apart on the dayside and recombine on the cooler nightside.


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